Our Work
Newton-Brookline Asylum Resettlement Coalition (NBARC) began resettling asylum seekers in March 2017 as part of the Refugee Immigration Ministry (RIM), an interfaith organization whose goals are to provide support to asylum seekers and to build bridges among communities of different faiths. In 2019, we became a stand-alone coalition led by a Steering Committee of members from our six congregations.
The Clients
Over the past several years, many volunteers from our six congregations have been assisting individuals and families who are fleeing persecution due to their race, religion, nationality, social group, or political opinion.
Individuals and families have come from countries all over the world, including from Ethiopia, Cameroon, Uganda, Kenya, Colombia, Honduras, Libya, Syria and from a refugee camp in Iraq.
At the end of November 2021, we began working with an Afghan family of five.
The Successes
The majority of our clients have moved from homeless dependency to self-sufficiency.
One client is working full time at a local nonprofit and has her own apartment in Boston.
Another client has been recognized for her French language skills and was hired as an assistant teacher in a suburban school system. In addition to working, she is pursuing a college degree for teacher certification.
A client who found employment in the high-tech industry has repaid us for the down payment we subsidized when his family was finally able to move to a rental apartment of their own.
In 2021 we began helping a young high school student from Central America, stabilizing her living situation with extended family and helping her set up internet access so she can participate in remote learning with her class. She now has an NBARC team of volunteers to help address other needs as they arise.
These success stories are a tribute to the resilience and determination of the clients with whom we work along with the contribution of time, resources, and financial support from the NBARC interfaith community.
Our Needs
NBARC is currently looking to develop relationships with other organizations that provide services to people who are seeking asylum.
Our most urgent need is for housing. While finding additional host homes is a particular challenge now because of COVID, we are very grateful to those who have been able to house clients during this time and hope to be able to find more available homes for people.
If you know anyone interested in sharing extra space in their home or who knows of inexpensive rental accommodations, please contact someone on the NBARC Steering Committee.
Learn more about how to become a host family.
Meanwhile, there is much to do and other needs to address such as:
access to food pantries
community resources
job training
ESL tutoring
friendly support for our current and future clients
We want to help as many people as possible.
Learn more about becoming a volunteer.